The OCEANÁRIO BRAZIL - an Educational Complex, Scientific, Technological and Tourism Development of the country - with built area of approximately 47,150 m2 - is designed as a unique venture in Brazil and will become a reference center of oceanographic science and development of all the southern region, based on institutional vocation and technical capacity recognizably developed by the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG over the past 40 years. The Oceanarium building with 45,000 m², will be organized in 4 peripheral Alas, georeferenced, symbolizing aquatic environments of South, East, North and West of Brazil, and Central Ward, representing the Ocean for which everything flows.
The South Wing will display ecosystems and species of Antarctica and the south, from the streams and wetlands, through the marshes and the largest lagoon of Brazil, to the typical coastal environments and the Southern frozen seas.
The East Wing put the visitors ahead with a rich variety of coastal environments of the Southeast and the Northeast, from the lush Atlantic Forest to the rocky headlands, islands, submerged rocks and magnificent coral.
In North Wing highlights are the Mangroves, the Amazon Delta and all the rich variety of ecosystems and aquatic species that make the Amazon one of the most important biomes and striking the planet.
The West Wing concentrate wealth and biodiversity of freshwater environments in Brazil: Pantanal, Bonito and the Paraná Basin. The wing will also display icons of the aquatic fauna of the Brazilian basins, such as alligators, piranhas and anacondas. A scuba tank, equipped with adequate infrastructure for practical classes, with different challenges for graduate divers (such as wrecks, caves, etc.) will also be provided in this ward.
Central Ward, closing the display, the main tank baptized deAmazônia Blue, in reference to our territorial sea (of use and exclusive protection), invite visitors for a swim in the South Atlantic waters. Through tunnels and large acrylic displays, these visitors will have a unique experience to venture to get face to face with sharks, rays and a rich variety of ocean fish.
The Oceanarium will also have many recreational and educational tools for environmental education of children, youth and adults. This will be through broad Interactivity and Etretenimento such as simulators, models, replicas and eco-information boards.
A Imax 3D cinema will allow the exhibition of educational films and documentaries, providing a Sensory Experience viewers.
The Oceanarium Brazil will also have spaces for recreation, playroom, library, movie theaters, classrooms and laboratories for environmental education. Bars, cafes, shop and restaurant make up living spaces and rest integrated into other Oceanarium attractions.